Healing Crisis- Hering’s Law of Cure

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Healing Crisis- Hering’s Law of Cure

First we must realize that the human body is a living thing.  The amazing intelligence which is present in every cell of the body is truly a miracle. For example, the life span of a red blood cell is approximately 100-120 days, after which the cell goes to the organ known as the spleen. There the blood cell is broken down and reused as other parts including blood platelets, which are necessary for the body’s clotting ability in the event that we cut ourselves. Without this function, if we were to cut ourselves we would bleed to death.  Other examples are the self curing ability of the body in many conditions such as colds, fevers, swellings, bruises, injuries etc. These are just a few examples of how the body is always striving to achieve good health- ALWAYS- unless we do something to stop the process.

The biggest problem in our society today is that we live in a world that is very hectic, very stressful and very polluted.  To give you an example, in 1989 alone, more than 1,000,000,000 (billion) pounds of chemicals were released into the ground, threatening the topsoil on which we grow our foods upon which in turn, we are dependant on to sustain life. It is just common sense to see that the quality of our lives is dependent on the quality of the soil. In addition to this over 188,000,000 pounds of chemicals were discharged into our lakes and rivers, more than 2,400,000, 000 pounds of chemical emissions were pumped into the air we breathe.

To further compound the problem many people in today’s fast paced life seldom choose healthy meals, but rather mostly find themselves at a fast food outlet or eating processed foods which are not very nourishing at all. We must remember that the foods we choose and the efficiency of our digestive tract’s ability to liberate those nutrients from those foods is going to determine the strength and integrity of our cells, organs etc. and provides all the energy we require to sustain life. 

In light of this, it stands to reason that these undesirable elements are becoming more of a threat to our health today. What occurs is that our exposure to toxins in every form begin to accumulate in the body, along with this our present day lifestyles of eating processed foods which are missing the natural nutrients begin to weaken the body. If you recall food is a source of fuel which feeds every cell in our body.  If the food we eat is of poor quality, then the performance of our bodies and the quality of health also suffers.

The most important item to remember is that we need to keep our bodies nourished with whole natural organic foods and we must keep our bodies clean, not only from the outside but on the inside. This means that we must keep those organs that are responsible for waste elimination functioning properly and efficiently. Many of us don’t realize how important it is to have regular bowel movements, the colon is responsible for removing 2 pounds of waste daily and the kidneys, as well as; the lungs and skin are also responsible for removing waste. Most people don’t realize that our skin is our largest elimination organ it removes toxins through perspiration. Retailer’s today would have you think that things like sprays and perfumes are the way eliminate body odor or gums and candy to fight bad breath.

The solution to body odor is to go to the source of the odor, which is the bowel. This is our body’s septic tank where the wastes are stored, unfortunately in our present day, far too long which in turn leads to putrefaction and autointoxication as these wastes spill back into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream these toxins circulate through the body and deposit themselves into the various tissues and organs, this ultimately starves these organs of precious oxygen and nutrients causing a decline in health. Many experts in the field of natural healing including Dr. Bernard Jensen have proven time and time again over the past 60 years in practice that all diseases are built gradually over time and that almost “every disease involves a nutritional deficiency”.

In summary, what we must do to ensure our good health is to first choose food which is as natural and unrefined as possible. This is where all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements so essential to life are present- this is the life force of food, this life force in turn is capable of reproducing tissue which of full of life and longer lasting in structure.

When a person follows the rules of nature and chooses to consume higher quality food remarkable things begin to happen to the body, as well as; the mind. The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the body and the wisdom of the body in its operation immediately becomes manifest. This is the plan of nature, of evolution, of life.   When the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues which the body is made of, the body begins to discard lower grade materials and tissues to make room for superior materials which it uses to make new healthier and stronger tissue. This is the law of nature, the body ALWAYS strives to produce health unless we undermine the body’s effort to throw off the old and bring in the new. This again is where conventional treatments must realize that not every symptom is cause for treatment.

For example, when you catch a cold, it is your body’s way of telling you that it needs a break. Your body needs to rest so that it can focus on detoxifying itself.  Our body temperature may rise in order to stimulate more white blood cell activity, our appetites decrease to conserve energy that would normally go towards digestion and focuses on making us well.  Again this is a perfect example of the infinite wisdom of the body able to heal itself, even with the incredible technology our present day healthcare system has to offer, there is yet to be a CURE for the common cold. The only cure is your body’s innate ability in conjunction with the thymus gland which is the organ that is responsible for the maturation of our white blood cells which are responsible for fighting infections of all types in the body.

Signs and Symptoms during Detoxification

Some of the signs or symptoms which arise when we first begin to omit poor food choices like coffee, (a toxic stimulant), headaches occur, fatigue sets in, nervousness and irritability are often experienced. This is due to the elimination from the body the toxins called caffeine and theobromine which are removed from the tissues and transported through the bloodstream. The temporary downside is before these toxins reach their destination for elimination, these irritants register in our body as pain, headaches and fatigue, but usually within three days the symptoms vanish and we feel stronger. The hardest obstacle to overcome when a person starts a better diet, stays on it for a week or so then quits and says ” oh, I felt better on my old diet- the new one made me feel weak”.

He failed because he didn’t give his body a chance to adjust and complete the body’s first phase of action- recuperation. If he had waited a little longer, he would have begun to feel better than before he started. This is detoxification, these pains being experienced are not always a cause for running to a doctor or asking for this pill or that pill to stop the pain, these toxins must leave the body on their own accord.

The most successful rejuvenation programs begin with an internal housecleaning, this process allows the body to rather quickly release toxic wastes which have collected in the body over many years. As these toxic wastes are being eliminated, individuals often experience symptoms that are discouraging unless they understand what is actually going on inside the body. As previously mentioned, in order for all old tissue to be replaced with new stronger and healthier tissue, the old must be discarded, sometimes these toxins have been so ingrained into our tissue that it is difficult to throw off. Some of the cleansing signs that MUST become manifest while the body is busy cleaning and detoxifying the waste that gets released from the cells and tissues may include:

  • Nervousness
  • Coated tongue
  • Edema
  • Runny nose
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent Urination
  • Nightmares
  • Weakness
  • Cravings
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains
  • Irritability
  • Increased flatulence
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Bad breath
  • Skin eruptions
  • Increased thirst
  • Cold and Flu symptoms







Remember, these signs of a healing crisis are temporary and at this time it is crucial to keep the elimination channels open so that these toxins spend as little time in the bloodstream as possible, it is very important not to suppress any discharges at this time. These signs of the Healing Crisis must become manifest or no healing can take place. It only makes sense to realize that first we must remove the old to make room for the new.

Again, all healing starts with elimination of toxic wastes, true healing is a cleansing and building process therefore, always welcome a catarrhal discharge, it is nature’s way of ridding the body of poisons. These philosophies are age old rules to all practitioners devoted to true health and have been proven over time as with Hering’s Law of Cure, all holistic treatments strive to reestablish balance and equilibrium to the body. The pioneers in the natural healing field knew that detoxifying “is” healing including:

  • Dr. Bernard Jensen who said “Nature cures, but she must be given the opportunity”
  • Henry Linlahr who said “Give me a healing crisis and I’ll cure any disease.”
  • Hippocrates who said “Give me a fever and I’ll cure any disease.”

All holistic practitioners’ realized one thing, without detoxification and ultimately a healing crisis no true healing can take place. As mentioned during the healing crisis it is mandatory to keep the elimination channels open and support organs working efficiently, though every cell of the body has “workers” that assist in removing waste from the cell, we have organs that specialize in “waste management”.

Detoxification Organs

The following are the major organs which assist in the detoxification process:

The large intestine is a broad, corrugated tube which accepts the by-products of digestion from the small intestine and passes it along to be excreted, continuing to process the material on the way. Any unabsorbed food materials are stored in the large intestine until the body can partially reabsorb water from it, then passing the remains along to the anus for elimination. The over-absorption of water from the waste material may lead to hard, relatively dry feces which can become impacted, making elimination difficult. This condition is known as constipation.

If not enough liquid is reabsorbed, as often caused by some viral infections or malnutrition, the large intestine passes too much fluid to the anus, making control of elimination difficult. This condition and the fluid (which is often painful to the anal tissues) are known as diarrhea.

The colon is responsible for removal of solid waste; however this is often the most neglected area of our modern day society. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most important by today’s standards, the average bowel transit time is approximately 48-60 hours, and it should be according to experts in the field between 18-24 hours. The bowel is designed to hold between 3-4 meals at a time, again by today’s standards we are holding probably between 6-10 meals some even more.

It is important to remember that even if we eliminate once daily it may not be sufficient due to the fact that the body may be eliminating wastes from meals that were been ingested days prior. Individuals have been found with up to 30 pounds of mucous and rubber- like waste impacted along the walls of the colon, these same individuals claimed to have perfect bowel movements daily. The dangers of these putrefactive matters is that they produce toxic bacteria including Escherichia coli and other coli form bacteria which produce substance’s called ethionine, indole and skatole; (R. Gray- Colon Health handbook). Ethionine, one of these putrefactive bacteria’s has even been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals.  It’s true what they say “Death begins in the colon”.

The kidneys are responsible for keeping the chemistry of the blood alkaline by filtering out the dissolved acid wastes. The kidneys are capable of filtering out of our blood toxic wastes and excess water. In a general sense, blood which passes into the kidney transmits soluble waste through the nephrons, and this liquid, called urine, is passed down the ureter and into the bladder to await discharge. The important thing to remember is that if the colon is moving wastes along efficiently, less toxins are reabsorbed into the blood and thus less stress on the kidneys. It is important to support the kidneys with 8-10 glasses of fresh clean water daily.

The liver is the largest, and perhaps the most amazing of all the human organs. It performs an incredible array of tasks critical to our survival, and it is the only human organ capable of regenerating itself — a whole lobe of the liver cut away in an operation can renew itself in a few weeks! Generally, the liver has two critical functions — making new chemicals from food nutrients for use throughout the body, and neutralizing body waste byproducts.

All your blood (carrying nutrients from your intestines) passes through your liver. Your liver is key to maintaining your energy level, and is a storehouse for all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes in your body, releasing them into your bloodstream as needed.

The liver also manufactures bile, which is sent to your gall bladder (a sac-like organ attached to the liver). When required, the gall bladder discharges bile into your intestines to help break down fats into more easily used components. The liver and gallbladder are responsible for a number of functions. One of the main ones relates to digestion, and the generation of digestive enzymes to be introduced into the small intestine. The liver, however, also helps control metabolism and works with the body’s immune system to combat rogue cells and organisms which threaten the body (in a process called “phagocytosis”).

The liver also destroys red blood cells, forms urea for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, forms fibrinogen, used in blood coagulation, stores glycogen, helps in the metabolism and storage of vitamins, and produces protective and antitoxic substances. More than 500 of its functions have been identified. It also renders harmless numerous substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, and other poisons, as well as; various harmful substances produced by the intestine. Again, if the principal elimination organ is backed up, the liver tries to detoxify or redirects the toxins the best it can, usually it goes back into the circulation and gets deposited in the inherently weaker tissues and organs, setting the stage for building the disease process.

The lungs are responsible for introducing life giving oxygen directly into the bloodstream, while at the same time removing waste gases (carbon dioxide) that are produced in every cell of our body during the Krebs cycle (the cells/our bodies engine which produces all energy in the body from burning glucose which we obtain from our foods).

In order to help the lungs we should obtain regular exercise, practice breathing exercises, obtain fresh air and avoid breathing in chemicals especially indoors such as; fabric softeners, room fresheners, car fresheners and other substances that can Irritate the lungs.

The lymph is part of our immune system and responsible for carrying the bulk of the wastes and toxins from our cells to its final elimination organs. Major lymphatic glands are the appendix, spleen, thymus and tonsils; these glands do tend to swell and become tender during detoxification and during colds and flu’s, which is in essence the same thing, the body’s efforts to throw off toxins and heal itself of the accumulated poisons.

It is considered part of the circulatory system since it consists of lymph, a moving fluid that comes from the blood and returns to the blood by way of the lymphatic vessels. Lymph carries some nutrients around the body, especially fat. It also distributes germ-fighting white cells. Lymph resembles plasma, but is more diluted and contains only about 5% of proteins and 1% of salts and extractives.

It is formed from bits of blood and other body liquids, called interstitial fluid or tissue fluid, that collect in the spaces between cells. Some of the interstitial fluid goes back into the body through the capillary membrane, but most enters the lymphatic capillaries to become lymph.

Along with this interstitial fluid, the lymph also picks up any particles that are too big to be absorbed through the capillary membrane.

These include cell debris, fat globules, and tiny protein particles. The lymph then moves into the larger lymphatic vessels and through the lymph nodes and eventually enters the blood through the veins in the neck region. The lymphatic system is thus a secondary transport system. Lymph has no pump of its own. Its flow depends on pressure from the blood system and the massaging effect of the muscles.

The skin is the elimination organ with the largest surface area, in addition to regulating body temperature and body moisture content, the skin functions as a backup for other elimination organs. The skin is often referred to as our third kidney. Many skin disorders are an example of other elimination organs being backed up and thus the skin is attempting to eliminate the toxins. This would probably be a good time to assist the bowels and kidneys to do their job rather than applying some cream to suppress the rash or skin inflammation which would drive the toxins deeper into the tissue setting the stage for the disease process. To further assist the skin, exercise (perspire), dry skin brush to remove old dead skin cells and help the skin breath and drink plenty of fluids.


To summarize the above would be a difficult task considering the body’s infinite complexities. However, as we were created from the elements of the earth, so we will one day return to it, the space we have in between we call our lifetime .The quality of the life that we live is going to depend on the level of health which we are experiencing and this level of health is directly dependant on the food, air, water and environment we live in.

If the body fails to receive the nourishment it requires to fuel every cell, tissue, gland and organ system and if the body defense’s are continually suppressed or undermined by toxins, poisons and chemicals from our surroundings, we can surely expect a progressive decline in the level of health one is experiencing. The bright side of the story is that we do have a choice, by choosing good foods, living a proper lifestyle and doing detoxification programs periodically to remove the accumulated toxins in the body before they can undermine health we can ensure a lifetime of good health and happiness.

General Tips on Performing A Cleanse
While cleanses can be extremely healing, it is important to balance the cleansing techniques with periods of rebuilding and strengthening using other techniques discussed in this resource guide (e.g., healthy diet, supplements, exercise etc.). Cleansing without rebuilding and strengthening will eventually weaken your system, including your immune system. Therefore, after each cleanse, take a period of time to concentrate non-cleansing healing techniques. Most people should perform no more than two GI Tract cleanses per year. After a GI Tract cleanse take *at least* three months to work on strengthening your digestion, assimilation, and elimination abilities. Please keep in mind that many of these cleanse’s can be adjusted to suit your needs. Your healthcare practitioner who is experienced with cleansing techniques can help you with this.


Cleansing Environment

When you perform a cleanse, please try to keep the body warm, comfortable, and feeling as nurtured as much as possible.

Cleansing Symptoms

When the body is cleansing, whether through a cleanse technique or simply a positive change in lifestyle, you may experience what is called a “healing crises.” The healing crises can last as long as a few days (sometimes longer in rare instances). Some of the symptoms you may experience are:

  • Gas
  • Skin eruptions
  • Fever
  • Emotional irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Temporary constipation or diarrhea
  • Tight muscles
  • Headaches and other aches and pains

In almost all cases, it is important to not use drugs to suppress these cleansing symptoms, but instead, to encourage the release of toxins from the body (and the expression of emotions to release pent up emotions when necessary).

Your health practitioner can help you monitor any cleansing symptoms you have to be certain that they are not more than you can handle in your condition. In cases where the cleansing symptoms need to be reduced and/or toxins are being dumped into the intestines at a large rate (in persons who have had chemical poisoning, for example) it can be helpful to take an action to avoid having toxins reabsorbed into the bloodstream.


In the instructions for many cleanses detailed herein, it is recommended that some supplementation be taken. This is especially important when performing a GI Tract cleanse, a skin cleanse, or a fast of any kind. The form of supplementation can include any of the items listed in your protocol or anything else your healthcare practitioner deems appropriate.

I wanted to include an extra reminder here that it is important to get *plenty* of liquids during the detoxification procedures so that you do not become dehydrated. We lose water daily through our skin, urine, bowels, and lungs (as water vapor in the air). Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, or colas, and alcoholic beverages do not count as the same volume of water because they act as diuretics in the body, increasing fluid losses from the kidneys. Our bodies are at least 60 percent water.

It is the primary component of all the bodily fluids-blood, lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears, and sweat. Water is involved in almost every bodily function: circulation, digestion, absorption, and elimination of wastes, to name a few. Water carries the electrolytes, mineral salts that help convey electrical currents in the body; the major minerals that make up these salts are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride.

Water requirements vary greatly from person to person. The climate in which we live, our activity level, and our diet all influence our need for water.  Special circumstances in which increased amounts of water may be needed include fever, diarrhea, kidney disease, or any situation where excessive fluid losses occur through normal body elimination processes.

Cleansing Results

In general, the human body is having a difficult time adapting to this alien planet that we have created for it to habitat on. We accumulate the chemicals of our world in our bodies at different rates, depending on a multitude of factors. I have discussed these characteristics with emphasis on how to remove and maintain a toxic-free internal environment since it doesn’t seem possible to clean up the external one.

You may or may not notice sudden, major health improvements immediately after the cleanse is finished. In some cases there have been total elimination of symptoms with just one cleanse. Just remember that internal healing can be taking place even if there is no apparent reduction in symptoms. The reduction in symptoms will come, as you slowly build your health using holistic healing techniques.