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Although we have seen thousands of patients over the years, and it would be impossible to list all of the great successes we have had with the natural therapies when it comes to overcoming challenging health conditions and even the most serious diseases. The testimonials below reflect some of the people who have chosen to write to us about their experience with Biosis Healthcare. These are candid and unedited comments.

Video Testimonials

Name: Layla Lou- Age 11,

Diagnosis: Juvenile Arthritis

Current Status: No traces of Juvenile Arthritis and living a happy normal life

Watch the remarkable video of a young girl who was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis at age 2 and after 9 years of medical treatments she continued to deteriorate until she sought out alternative medicine and was directed to our clinic.

Watch this miraculous heartfelt story of how a little girl who was bedridden was able to stand up and walk in 2 months, dance happily at 4 months and ride a bicycle and live a normal healthy life at 6 months of therapy. With the power of nature and right living -miracles can happen, and we can help!

Layla Lou is able to stand and walk after 2 months of treatment.
Layla Lou is able to ride her bicycle after 6 months of treatment at Biosis Healthcare.
watch the remarkable video of this little girl’s journey back to by clicking on the video below.

Name: Sandra A – Age 36

Diagnosis: Amputation of hands and feet due to advanced Diabetes and subsequent nerve damage.

Current Status: nerves regenerated, gangrene resolved and surgery to amputate limbs averted.

To watch the shocking video of this young woman’s battle that resulted in her regenerating nerves, no amputation was necessary and her health was restored against all odds. Watch Sandra’s incredible story by clicking on the video below.

Name: Sylvia S – Age 61

Diagnosis: Heart Attack

Current Status:  Heart disease resolved, cardiologist amazed, dangerous surgery averted!

After being diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction in 2010, I decided to pursue the path of natural medicine with Darko Prce in order to regain my heart health.  Following eight weeks of an intensive nutritional protocol and natural remedies, I return to the hospital for follow-up tests and evaluation of my cardiac condition.  I was mesmerized and ecstatic to be informed that all results were normal and no trace of heart disease was found.  Furthermore, I was taken off all medications.

There are no words to convey my profuse gratitude to Darko for his ongoing care, compassion and support during an extremely frightful and emotional time in my life.  I strongly believe that had it not been for Darko’s remarkable expertise, dedication and wisdom in the field of natural medicine, I would not be here writing this testimonial.  Above all, I thank God with all my heart for giving me a second chance in life. S.V.S.

To watch the remarkable video of this brave woman’s journey back by clicking on the video below.

Verbal Testimonials

Name: Sara P. – Age 2

Diagnosis: Autism, Muscle Wasting and Deterioration

Current Status: Happy and healthy and developing normally

My daughter is finally “waking up”. She suffered from lack of communication, social skills and energy. After meeting Darko and following his protocol for her, she is absolutely blossoming!! Her smile is back and so is her laughter. My daughter is back and I can’t stop smiling. Sara had many eating issues, primarily lack of eating. She had very slow weight gain and was definitely under-weight. Darko has helped her with her feeding concerns and I am proud to say that she has gained a whooping 5 lbs in just 3 months …..WOW!   I have seen nothing but incredible changes in my “little angel” and I have BIOSIS to thank!

Name:  Dr. Tom Johnson MD – Age 54

Diagnosis:  Prostate Cancer

Current Status: no traces of cancer in his body as per his oncologist

After practicing medicine for 30 years Dr. Johnson was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 54 and decided to add complementary therapies to his treatment. We are happy to say that as of today [July 2013] Dr. Johnson is healthy, alive and well and still practicing medicine in Ontario.

Read more about Dr. Johnson in the following article featured in the Hamilton spectator.

Tom Johnson prostate cancer Spectator article.pdf

Name: Matthew O

Diagnosis: Tremors, Muscle Twitches and Digestive Disturbances

Current Status: all symptoms have been resolved and Matthew is happy and healthy

This is Matthew’s personal testimonial…I hope this helps people.

For the first 40 years of my life I lived and ate the typ­i­cal North Amer­i­can diet.  Pre­pared foods, fast food, pop, dou­ble dou­ble cof­fee, chips/chocolate/candy and zero exer­cise.  It never seemed to bother me but grad­u­ally I started to wake up in the morn­ing feel­ing like I was hung over yet with­out hav­ing a drink.  I ignored it chalk­ing it up to being mid­dle age.  More months passed and my stom­ach began to con­stantly bloat with gas and dis­com­fort (not too men­tion my move­ments were the polar oppo­site of what doc­tor Oz says they should be).  A year passed and my mus­cles began to twitch with­out rea­son and my hands began to shake even after the mildest activity.

I began see­ing a host of doc­tors to try and fix my issues.  As gra­cious and kind as they were, I began to real­ize that each tried to treat my symp­toms as opposed to try­ing to deter­mine the root cause.  No one seemed able to answer my ques­tions as to what could be “caus­ing” my issues nor was I get­ting any bet­ter.  Dis­mayed at my per­sonal fail­ure to find a solu­tion, I began to reach out and seek an alter­na­tive approach using nat­ural meth­ods.  This is when I found the Bio­sis Health­care Cen­tre.  They took a holis­tic and struc­tured approach to under­stand­ing every­thing that I had ever expe­ri­enced in my health dur­ing my life time.  This infor­ma­tion empow­ered them to then offer a pro­gram cus­tomized to treat­ing my issues includ­ing a rec­om­mended diet approach, the impor­tance of eat­ing whole foods (most impor­tantly organ­ics) and the use of health supplements.

I have been fol­low­ing my pro­to­col for nine months now.  I have sup­ple­mented it with exer­cise and edu­cat­ing myself on how to cook my own food using qual­ity organic ingre­di­ents. It’s not been an easy tran­si­tion but it’s funny how pas­sion­ate you become when your health is on the line.  I can hon­estly tes­tify that after nine months of hard work and the help I’ve received from Bio­sis, I have never felt bet­ter in my life.  I have energy like I did when I was 25 years old.  Many of my ail­ments are gone.….along with it I’ve dropped 25 pounds of fat off my body.  I sleep soundly each and every night and wake up look­ing for­ward to my day.  I’ve had a flu bug and cold bug dur­ing this time with each last­ing no more than 3 days and even then it was more of nui­sance than debil­i­tat­ing.  When I look in the mir­ror I see a younger face look­ing back at me.  No more puffy eyes and dried out skin.  To keep this hon­est,  I still strug­gle with some of my orig­i­nal ali­ments such as my twitch­ing mus­cles but I’m con­fi­dent that my new approach is at least giv­ing me a fight­ing chance.

My mes­sage to any­one read­ing this is:  WHAT YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTH is the key to your health.  It’s the god hon­est truth.  The most dif­fi­cult chal­lenge I’ve had to face dur­ing the past nine months is stay­ing focused on my goals each and every day.  Eat­ing whole foods cooked by me.…not a fac­tory, get­ting 8 hours of sleep, ensur­ing 30–45 mins of exer­cise 3x a week and tak­ing my sup­ple­ments takes an effort but what keeps me going besides my vis­i­ble improve­ments is this sim­ple thought.……it took me 40 years to break down my body to the point that it started to fail me.  This means it’s the most amaz­ing machine in the world to be able to take that kind of pun­ish­ment before it caves in.

So stick­ing to my plan is what will bring it back.…and if it took 40 years to break it down it may take months or even years before it’s com­pletely whole again.  I believe that patience and hard work over time will pro­vide the nutri­tion my cells require to repair them and time is the key to giv­ing my body a chance to heal hence patience will be my biggest challenge.

That being said, the alter­na­tive of going back to my old lifestyle is not an option when I know how it will end up.  It’s like the old say­ing “I’ve seen that movie and I know how it ends”.

I hope that you will find the answers you seek in your per­sonal jour­ney.  Good Health and God Bless. ~MC

Name:  Ross G – 44 year-old male 

Diagnosis: overweight, extreme stress, generally feeling unwell

Current Status: back to normal weight, nervous system has been strengthened and health is restored

After acquiring dangerous vital signs, obesity, constant illness and numerous undesirable health conditions resulting from 25 years of self-neglect and high stress career lifestyle, I discovered natural medicine with the help of Biosis Healthcare and reversed my conditions and got my life back!  I’ve restored my youthful vitality through natural healing, wholesome nutrition and respect for my body’s needs, resulting in freedom from 40 years of pharmaceutical drug dependency. I look forward to many quality years with my family and teaching my son and others to avoid my mistakes.

We are continually posting testimonials and success stories periodically, come back and visit us in to see more as we continue to share the truth about true healing and honest medicine.

Peace and Blessings- Biosis Healthcare

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause & prevention of disease.”
- Thomas Edison