The following is a list of helpful links to various websites for medical education, nutrition information, vaccine information, book recommendations and much more. If you need help with something that you don’t see here please contact us at the office and we’d be happy to help.
Just click on one of the following topics of interest:
- Freedom Health Canada – Health Database
- Citizens Commission on Human Rights-Mental Health Database
- Medicinal Nutrition – Dr. Elizabeth Owings MD video
- PubMed -National Library of Medicine -Medical Database
- NHPPA – Natural Health Product Protection Association
- The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook
- Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Website
- Vaccine Risk Association Network – VRAN
- Prozac – 1991 FDA antidepressant hearings video
- A Cure for Multiple Sclerosis? Dr. Terry Wahls video
- Maria Treben’s Herbal Database
- Lab Tests Online -how to understand your blood tests results
- CMA Policy – Accessing your medical records
- Recommended Reading and Top Books on Health and Nutrition
Freedom Health Canada – Your Trusted Source for Truth in Healthcare

Vaccine Dangers

Genetically Modified Foods

Dangers of Pharmaceuticals
Freedom health Canada is an extremely valuable educational website on everything you need to know about what causes diseases including:
• Genetically Modified Foods
• Vaccines
• Fluoride Hazards
• Food Additives
• Disease Reversal
• Nutrition
• Food Production
• And much, much more.
Our mission at Freedom Health Canada is to:
• To inspire people to make a change
• To instigate people into action
1. We passionately believe in the right of every Canadian’s freedom to choose his/her own form of healthcare.
2. We believe in the use of safe, drug-free and non-toxic natural medicines to restore health.
3. We believe in seeking the underlying causes of every illness and ailment and addressing them at the root cause, instead of just mere symptomatic treatment of disease.
4. We believe in using proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathy and other natural therapies to support the body on its journey back to health.
5. We believe in spreading awareness in the true causes and prevention of disease.
There are many free videos and full-length documentaries on various healthcare topics that are a must to see to keep you and your family free from sickness and disease.
For more information go to
CCHR – Citizens Commission on Human Rights
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a nonprofit mental health watchdog, responsible for helping to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive practices.
CCHR has long fought to restore basic inalienable human rights to the field of mental health, including, but not limited to, full informed consent regarding the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the risks of psychiatric treatments, the right to all available medical alternatives and the right to refuse any treatment considered harmful.
Their website contains a host of services free of charge and support if needed. There is a large amount of data on the dangers of psychiatric drugs such as antidepressants, anxiety drugs and psychotropic medications and their devastating consequences.
Their extensive website contains documentaries and movies with hundreds of testimonials from healthcare professionals including psychiatrists admitting that the medications are both ineffective and dangerous. Some of these include:
- How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child
- Marketing of Madness
- The Age of Fear
- All Fall Down: Psychiatry’s Plague of Drugging Children
- Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child
- Making a Killing
- Psychiatry: an Industry of Death
Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
Think psychiatry has nothing to do with you? Think again.
Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the mental health industry and its abuses, this riveting documentary blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudoscience and the multi-billion dollar fraud that is psychiatry. To watch this video Click here
Making a Killing
“Imagine a $330 billion industry that claims to benefit individuals with supposed medical problems, yet has produced not a single cure. This documentary rips the mask off psychiatric drugging and exposes a brutal money-making machine”. To watch this video Click here
For more information go to
Medicinal Nutrition – Absolute Best of Both Dr. Elizabeth Owings MD
Watch this truthful video as doctors are slowly realizing the truth about our healthcare system in their search for better treatments for the patients they serve. In the video she honestly states, “we can give them a sack of prescriptions, but we cannot return them to wellness” and “we can snatch people back from the jaws of death, but we cannot restore them to health, we just cannot do that with medicine alone”. To watch this video Click here
PubMed -National Library of Medicine
If you’re looking for validation on the efficacy of natural remedies in the treatment of disease this is the most comprehensive website available.
PubMed comprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
You can find many abstracts on vitamins, minerals and specific diseases in their vast database, simply type your query into the search window or follow the links.
For more information go to
NHPPA – Natural Health Product Protection Association
Mission Statement
The Natural Health Products Protection Association is federally incorporated as a non-profit company with the sole object of:
Their website contains a wealth of information on protecting Canadians rights to choose their own form of health care and the politics that keeps them sick. Their website includes information on how to get involved in protecting your rights, active campaigns, action kits, legal regulation and more.
For more information go to
The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook Online Version
Explains disorders, whom is likely to get them, their symptoms, how they’re diagnosed, how they might be prevented, and how they can be treated; also provides information about prognosis.
Based on the world’s most widely used textbook of medicine—The Merck Manual—but written in everyday language by 300 outstanding contributors.
Contains in-depth easy to understand information on all health conditions and other valuable resources including:
- Anatomical Drawings
- The One-Page Merck Manual of Health
- Multimedia
- Pronunciations
- Weights and Measures
- Common Medical Tests
- Drug Names: Generic and Trade
- Resources for Help and Information
For more information go to and type your health concern into the search window or follow the links.
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Website
Unbiased, Scientific Clinical Information on Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Therapies
This website contains highly objective, evidence-based resource designed for healthcare professionals, but can also be accessed by the public who are looking for detailed information. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database is recognized as the scientific gold standard for evidence-based information on this topic. Leaders in conventional medicine, as well as; complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine recognize the Database as the go-to resource for the most complete and practical information.
This website contains a comprehensive and detailed list of everything you need to know about vitamins, minerals, herbal medicines, disease conditions and more. Information contained at the website includes the following:
- Natural Medicines and Ingredients
- Commercial Products
- USP Verified Products
- Vitamin and mineral monographs
- Herbal monographs
- Alternative Treatment Modalities
- Diseases and Conditions
You can also find detailed information on many frequently asked questions when it comes to vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural medicines including the following:
- Scientific Names
- Uses
- Effectiveness
- Dosage and Administration
- Mechanism of Action
- Adverse Reactions
- Interactions w/other Herbs
- Interactions w/Drugs
- Interactions w/Foods
- Interactions w/Lab Tests
- Interactions w/Diseases or Conditions
For more information go to and type your query into the search window or follow the links.
Vaccination Risk Awareness Network
This website is designed to provide you with more information about risks and potential side-effects of vaccines, to get support if you or someone you know may have suffered adverse reactions from vaccines, and to foster a multi-disciplinary approach to child and family health.
Information can be found on topics like:
- About vaccines
- Health Risks associated with vaccines
- Autism and vaccination
- Exemptions and legal forms
- Personal stories
- Alternatives to vaccines
- How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D.
- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave M.D.
- The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child by Robert W. Sears M.D.
- Smart Medicine For A Healthier Child by Janet Zand N.D.
You can preview these books at for a detailed description and sample chapters of the books. For more information go to
1991 FDA Hearing with Testimonials on the Antidepressant Prozac Video
Here is the official video of the FDA hearings and testimonials by families that have been ripped apart after the devastating consequences of antidepressant medications.
Despite decades of knowing the pharmaceutical companies continue to give people dangerous medications and suppress natural remedies that have effectively reversed psychiatric disease permanently. To watch this video go to
A Cure for Multiple Sclerosis?
Minding Your Mitochondria: Dr. Terry Wahls : Diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis at TEDxIowaCity
Watch this exciting video on a doctor who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and continually deteriorated after exhausting all medical procedures and medications. After she adopted proper nutrition and holistic therapies she was able to walk again in a few months and within one year riding her bicycle again. She is now completely healthy and educating the world about real medicine that works. To watch this video Click here
Maria Treben’s Herbal Database
This site is dedicated to the medicinal herbs used by Maria Treben, the renowned Austrian herbalist, in her healing works.
This website contains information on everything you need to know about herbs including:
- Common names of herbs
- Scientific names of herbs
- Herb properties and details
- Pictures and illustrations to identify herbs
For more information go to
Lab Tests Online – A website dedicated to explaining your lab tests and blood work results from your doctor
Ever wonder what your lab tests that you received from your doctor mean?
This website is dedicated to information on various lab tests and the associated diseases. This is a detailed database on every lab test and explanations on what it means.
Understanding Your Tests
Like many areas in medicine, clinical lab testing often provides a few simple answers to commonly asked questions. The issues – on topics like lab values and reference ranges and understanding your tests are included in this site.
Deciphering Your Lab Report
If you’ve had laboratory tests performed, you may have been given a copy of the report by the laboratory or your health care provider. If not, you may wish to request one from your physician. Once you get your report, however, it may not be easy for you to read or understand, leaving you with more questions than answers. This site points out some of the different sections that may be found on a typical lab report and explains some of the information that may be found in those sections.
Reference Ranges and What They Mean
Lab test results are often interpreted on their relation to a normal reference range. “Your test was out of the normal range,” your doctor says to you, handing you a sheet of paper with a set of test results, numbers on a page. Your heart starts to race in fear that you are really sick. But what does this statement mean, “Out of the normal range”? Is it cause for concern? The brief answer is that a result out of the normal or reference range is a signal that further investigation is needed.
For more information go to and simply type your query into the search window, scroll down the right column under tests or conditions/diseases or follow the links. Use the search box and menus below to quickly navigate lab tests online.
If you’re having trouble obtaining your medical records from your healthcare provider the following information is directly from the Canadian Medical Association and you can access the official document just Click here
The CMA affirms that medical records are confidential documents. Although the records are the property of the physician or health care institution that compiled them, patients have a right to examine their records and to obtain a copy of the information contained in them.
Recommended Reading and Top Books on Health and Nutrition
- Balch, J.F.; Balch, P.A.; Prescription for Nutritional Healing; Avery Publishing Group Inc.; 1990.
- Ballentine R. Diet and Nutrition, A Holistic Approach; Himalayan Institute Press, 1978
- Burton G./ Engelkirk P.: Microbiology for the Health sciences: 5th Edition, Lippencott-Raven Publishing 1996
- Campbell, C.T; The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet
- Cichkoke A.J M.D : The Complete Book Of Enzyme Therapy; Avery Publishing Group 1999
- Colbin A.: Food And Healing: Ballentine Books New York 1996
- Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties 34th Edition, Canadian Pharmacists Association 1999
- Crawford Michael, Marsh David,: “Nutrition and Evolution”, Keats Publishing 1995
- Dean Carolyn MD, ND “Death by Modern Medicine”.
- Erasmus U. : Fat’s That Heal, Fat’s that Kill, Alive Books 1993
- Gerson M: A Cancer Therapy: 6th Edition Gerson Institute 1999
- Gray R: The Colon Health Handbook 12th edition. Emerald Publishing 1991
- Groff J, Gropper S, Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism 3rd Ed, Wadsworth- Thompson Learning 2000
- Haas E.M.: Staying Health with Nutrition : Celestial Arts 1992
- Heller R: The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet: Signet (Penguin Books) 1991
- Hoffer A./ Walker M. : The New Orthomolecular Nutrition, Keats Publishing 1996
- Hoffman, D.; The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal; Element Books Ltd; Rockport, MA; 1991.
- Jensen B.; Guide To Better Bowel Care; Avery Publishing 1999
- Jensen B.; Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management 11thed; Escondido, CA; 1981.
- Jensen, B., Ph.D.: Food Healing for Man; Bernard Jensen, Publisher; Escondido, CA; 1983.
- Jensen, B., Ph.D.; The Chemistry of Man; Bernard Jensen, Publisher; Escondido, CA; 1983.
- Jensen B; Iridology; The Science and Practice in the Healing Arts, Volume 2; Escondido, CA; 1982.
- Jensen B. Anderson A. Empty Harvest: Avery Publishing 1990
- Kirschmann G., Kirschmann J.: Nutrition Almanac 4th edition, McGraw-Hill. 1996.
- Lee. L: The Enzyme Cure; Future Medicine Publishing 1998
- Lopez D. A, Williams R.M, Miehlke, K.: Enzymes The Fountain of Life: Neville Press 1994
- Lust, J., The Herb Book, Bantam Books, USA, 1974.
- Magner, Lois N: “A History of Medicine” Marcel Dekker Inc 1992
- Matsen, J.; Eating Alive; Crompton Books, Ltd.; Blaine, WA; 1991.
- Marieb E. N: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Fifth edition: Benjarman / Cummings 1997
- Mindell E: Supplement Bible, Simon & Schuster 1998
- Murray, M; Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements ;Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1996
- Murray M, The Healing Power Of Herbs, 2nd Ed. Rocklin, CA ; Prima Publishing 1995
- Murray, M. ; Pizzorno, J.,; Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine; Revised 2nd Ed.; Prima Publishing; 1998.
- Ody, P.; The Complete Medicinal Herbal; Dorling Kindersley; New York, NY; 1993.
- Pagana, K; Pagana, T.J; Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 4ed
- Pitchford P.: Healing with Whole Foods: North Atlantic books 1993
- Pizzorno Jr J. Murray M. Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd edition, Churchill-Livingston 1999
- Scalzo, R.; Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas; 3 rd Ed.; Kivaki Press; Durango, CO; 1994.
- Treben M. Healing Through God’s Pharmacy 27th English Ed. Ennsthaler, Verlag Austria 1999
- Vogel, A; The Liver: Verlangsanstalt Merck & Co, Konstanz/Bodensee 1962
- Werbach, M.R., M.D.; Nutritional Influences on Illness A Sourcebook of Clinical Research; 2nd Ed.; Third Line Press; Tarzana, CA; 1993.